Sunday, May 10, 2009

One more thing....

Happy Mother's Day!


The past few weeks have brought warmer weather up here and so we are getting wildflowers.

Currently there are primroses, lupine, balsam root, and a few paint brushes blooming. And of course dandelions.

The bushes are also starting to bloom--cliff rose and service berry are going right now.

Some rain a few days ago made everything shoot up. Right now everything is nice and green. The day temps are increasing and the nights are still cool. Currently we are at a moderate fire danger, so we will see how that changes in the next few weeks.

Inspired by nature, I tried to start an herb garden...which you will notice, I said tried. Some are doing well, some were doing well but are still hanging on, some I think are done for, and some didn't do anything. If this is a sign of how a veggie garden will grow, perhaps I would be better to just visit the farmer's markets...