Sunday, October 17, 2010


Fall is a contradiction in a number of ways. I like it because it means that it is slowing down, visitation wise--or at least it usually does, this year, not so much. It is beautiful this time of year, and this year is one of those perfect examples--the leaves are jewel-like in their varying hues.

But it is a sad time. The main reason is that the seasonal employees are leaving. There is not enough visitation to warrant them staying here, and so they move on for the winter, for a couple of years, or some, forever. It is much like school where you part for the summer, and then are reunited with your friends mid-August (or September). Knowing the time is drawing near to say "see you later," only makes it that much more emotional.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fall is here

Two night time lows of 49F in a row...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

where did summer go

Already the first of August, and fall seems to be on the way. We keep having "monsoonal moisture" and the low temps are in the mid 50s. It is the time of year where it is harder to get out of bed, because the air outside is cold, and the bed is nice and warm.

The sunflowers have bloomed and are already dropping their petals. Grass is curing up.

Best of all, school will be starting soon, so it should be slowing down a bit before too long.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


It snowed again today, but it was one of those nice, wet "Spring Storms."

Soon the seasonal rangers will be returning, and "life" will slowly start getting back to normal up here. Hooray!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spring is in the air

Though we still have several feet of snow on the ground in many places, every once in a while, Spring gives us just a hint, a tease, that it is on the way.

This morning is a great example. Current temperature is 32, though it feels much warmer, about 35 or so :)

The air is wonderfully clear--you can see south for quite a ways. Far enough to see the squall that is to the south of us.

The light of the rising sun is different too, as it is moving Northward.

Patches of bare ground are growing larger (until the squall gets here that is).

Spring is a feeling as much as it is a date on the calendar.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Landscape = white

Depth = feet

Temperature = cold

I know the groundhog saw his shadow, and I know not to expect it to warm up until the last part of April/first part of May, but this is getting a little old.