Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So (knock on the proverbial wood), the vegetable garden is doing much better than the herb garden did. I have Squash!!! Very excited about this. Also the beans, peas, and tomatoes are blooming. There is hope...for fresh veggies after all!

The only thing that survived in the herb garden is Cilantro--ie 1 out of 11 plants from seed. But it has good days and bad days. Even the lemon grass, which I have had for a few years now and a basil which I was given, seem to be putting up a decreasing fight. Ironically, two cilantro (?) plants have decided to make their way to the veggie garden (still not sure how that happened) and are doing quite well. Well, except for the fact they are growing under the squash plant...

Not a very promising outlook for rain. We are now at a "very high" fire danger. I counted 10 fires around us this afternoon. As the plants around the park are drying and wilting, I look at my garden, which though I do not water it every day, is still green and fairly healthy. It is incredible that so many people were able to farm in this environment for such a long period of time (without the ease of faucets and hoses especially).

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